Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers in Ridgeland, MS 

If your teeth are worn, chipped, uneven, severely yellowed, or otherwise not as beautiful as you would like, porcelain veneers may be an excellent solution. Here is an overview of what veneers are, the benefits of using them, and common problems they may be used to treat at Murphey Dental Aesthetics.

man smiling at Murphey Dental Aesthetics

What Are Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are a thin cover for the front of your teeth that adjust their shape, color, evenness, and overall appearance. These porcelain shells are bonded to your natural teeth to provide a relatively permanent change to the aesthetic of your teeth to help you get the smile you have always wanted. Veneers can also protect and strengthen weakened enamel, although they are more frequently used for aesthetic reasons. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for Veneers

Veneers are a good option for a wide range of individuals looking to enhance the appearance of their smiles. Although they are generally intended to cover more minor cosmetic issues, such as small chips or other uneven surfaces, they can also be a good option for individuals with severe tooth discoloration. Veneers require little maintenance aside from occasional adjustments or replacements from your dentist. Still, it is important to know that you will likely need to cover the full cost out of pocket before getting started. 

What Type of Veneer Material Does Murphey Dental Aesthetics Use? 

Veneers can be made from several materials, but our high-quality feldspathic porcelain provides a more natural-looking appearance than many other options. This aesthetic material looks very similar to the surface of your enamel, which means it is more difficult to tell if you have veneers. Porcelain is also a very durable option, and this type of veneer can last for approximately 15-20 years if properly cared for. Although you will likely need your veneers replaced at some point, most patients need fewer replacements and adjustments when choosing porcelain over another material.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers provide many benefits, including protecting your teeth and improving their appearance. They can provide an extra barrier if your enamel is too thin or weak to protect your teeth effectively, as well as give them a whiter and more even appearance.

How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost? 

Porcelain veneers typically cost approximately $1,500 per tooth. The specific number of veneers you will need can vary from person to person. Patients may need 4-20 teeth covered to get the aesthetic appearance or functionality they want. Most insurance companies are unlikely to cover the cost of veneers if you get them for aesthetic reasons because they are generally considered cosmetic procedure that is not medically necessary. Still, you may be able to obtain some coverage if your primary reason for getting them is strengthening and protecting a weakened enamel. 

porcelain veneers - Murphey Dental

Choose Murphey Dental Aesthetics for Quality Porcelain Veneers in Ridgeland, MS 

At Murphey Dental Aesthetics, getting veneers or any other cosmetic dental work done is a big decision. Our friendly and helpful team is here to help you understand your options and make the best possible decisions to enhance your smile based on the current appearance and condition of your teeth. Contact us today to learn more about what makes us a top choice among patients in the Ridgeland, MS, area that are considering veneers or to schedule a consultation!

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