Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges in Ridgeland, MS

Many people experience the challenges associated with missing teeth, from difficulty chewing and speaking to decreased self-confidence. At Murphey Dental Aesthetics, our dental bridges offer a reliable restorative solution to address these concerns. If you’re looking for a solution to missing teeth, our team is here to provide personalized care to help you regain a healthy, complete smile.

woman after dental appointment in Ridgeland, MS

Dental Bridges in Ridgeland, MS

Many people experience the challenges associated with missing teeth, from difficulty chewing and speaking to decreased self-confidence. At Murphey Dental Aesthetics, our dental bridges offer a reliable restorative solution to address these concerns. If you’re looking for a solution to missing teeth, our team is here to provide personalized care to help you regain a healthy, complete smile.

woman after dental appointment in Ridgeland, MS

Who is a Candidate for Dental Bridges?

Typically, ideal candidates for dental bridges are individuals with one or more missing teeth who also have healthy teeth and gums. It is best to consult with a professional dentist to determine if you are eligible for dental bridges. During your consultation, Dr. Murphey will evaluate your unique dental situation, considering factors such as oral hygiene practices, existing dental conditions, and medical history.

What are the Benefits of Tooth Bridge Replacement?

  • New Teeth in 2 Weeks: Dental bridges offer a quick and efficient solution for replacing missing teeth. With our process, you can enjoy a new, complete smile in just two weeks.
  • Improved Aesthetics: The custom bridges are made to closely resemble your natural teeth. They restore symmetry and balance to your smile by filling in gaps left by missing teeth.
  • Enhanced Chewing Ability and Speech Clarity: With dental bridges, you can enjoy restored chewing ability, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods comfortably. Additionally, bridges help maintain proper speech patterns, improving pronunciation and clarity.
  • Preventing Teeth Shifting: When a tooth is lost, neighboring teeth may gradually shift out of alignment, leading to bite problems and potential dental issues. Dental bridges act as placeholders, preventing adjacent teeth from drifting and helping maintain the integrity of your bite.

How to Care for Your Tooth Replacement

We emphasize the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits to keep your dental bridge in optimal condition. This includes brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing or using a Waterpik to get between the teeth and under the bridge daily. Additionally, attending regular dental check-ups and cleanings is crucial for monitoring the health of your bridge and ensuring early detection of any issues.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges are a durable solution for replacing missing teeth that can last up to 20-25 years with proper care and maintenance. However, several factors can influence the lifespan of dental bridges, including the patient’s oral hygiene practices and the general condition of the surrounding teeth and gums. Additionally, habits such as smoking or chewing on hard objects can contribute to premature wear and damage to the bridge.

woman during dental bridges appointment at murphey dental aesthetics

Tooth Bridge Dentist in Ridgeland, MS

If you’re considering dental bridges as a tooth replacement option to restore your smile and improve your overall oral health contact Murphey Dental Aesthetics in Ridgeland MS, to schedule an initial consultation. Our team will assess your dental needs, discuss treatment options, and create a personalized plan to store your smile.

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Discover your best smile at Murphey Dental Aesthetics